Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A sort of manifesto...sort of

Having four months ago relocated from Austin, Texas to Oxford, Ohio (referred to by good friend Raff as the a-hole of conservatism), I have found it necessary to find a way to reach out to my liberal brethren (and...sisteren?). While this is a positive thing for all those with a mind capable of complex rational thought (aka all liberals), it is decidedly important for me here and now--November 2005, Oxford, Ohio.

Why, you ask?

Over the last four months I have:

*Had more trouble making friends and meeting like-minded people than after any interstate move (nine lifetime) or international move (two lifetime).

*Been told several stories of racially and politically motivated violence in this community, some from people directly involved with the victims.

*Heard and read stories of unequal treatment for minorities by police officers and other officials. Keep in mind that the story I actually read did not denote the postponing of a show on campus by a black rapper for "special permits" from the police as controversial in any way, just matter-of-fact.

*Had the epithet "fag" yelled at me out of a car window twice while walking the streets of Oxford. This was after I removed my earrings for my job search, not before.

So, what am I planning to do here?

*I will write in my usual informal style about national and local issues...or non-issues. You'll find I don't always discriminate.

*I will point out news stories that are politically important, personally infuriating, or completely useless or tasteless and therefore hilarious to me.

*I will give liberals in Oxford, Ohio and the surrounding areas (as well as the rest of the world to a lesser extent) a chance to speak their minds. Goodness knows it's not that easy for them to do it in day-to-day Oxford.

*I will try to connect said liberal folk for political exchange and social intercourse.

*I will make fun of humanity in generally and people who commit jackassery in specific.

*I will vent my anger and frustration at the small-minded, bigoted jerkfaces that make up a huge portion of this community and this country because being conservative isn't a viewpoint, it's a lack thereof.

Yes. Yes. I am grouchy about that. Get used to it.

So, you see, my isolation and frustration benefit you, dear reader. Even if you don't agree with my point of view, or those of my co-writers, you will be entertained. I can promise you that much.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


November 16, 2005 5:38 AM  

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