Good morning, good news day
Lots to get to, so let's get to it.
First and foremost, there's sex, sex, sex and more sex. Not all warm and fuzzy, either.
Bravo, Massachusetts! It's about time SOMEONE started taking care of people.
I'm sorry, but I totally agree with this UT prof regarding overpopulation. I don't care what pundits and radio show hosts say. Especially the radio show hosts.
Gotta disagree with the judge. I believe dancing IS protected under the constitution and if it isn't, it damn well ought to be.
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the feds used the Patriot Act to convict a baby-food thief. Freaking terrific watching the bill of rights burn, isn't it?
Hurray for wardrobe malfunctions!
And finally...
Shut up!
Oh, really. No s#!t?
Damn, I feel fat today.
Thank you to the Douche Nozzle Report, Huff Po and good ol BBC News.
P.S. It's LGBT awareness week, spectrum awareness week, whatever you want to call it, here at Miami. Please hug your lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans-gendered friends. Better yet, send a letter to your congresspersons supporting LGBT rights.
First and foremost, there's sex, sex, sex and more sex. Not all warm and fuzzy, either.
Bravo, Massachusetts! It's about time SOMEONE started taking care of people.
I'm sorry, but I totally agree with this UT prof regarding overpopulation. I don't care what pundits and radio show hosts say. Especially the radio show hosts.
Gotta disagree with the judge. I believe dancing IS protected under the constitution and if it isn't, it damn well ought to be.
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the feds used the Patriot Act to convict a baby-food thief. Freaking terrific watching the bill of rights burn, isn't it?
Hurray for wardrobe malfunctions!
And finally...
Shut up!
Oh, really. No s#!t?
Damn, I feel fat today.
Thank you to the Douche Nozzle Report, Huff Po and good ol BBC News.
P.S. It's LGBT awareness week, spectrum awareness week, whatever you want to call it, here at Miami. Please hug your lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans-gendered friends. Better yet, send a letter to your congresspersons supporting LGBT rights.
Re: Mass health care
"If all goes as planned, poor people will be offered free or heavily subsidized coverage; those who can afford insurance but refuse to get it will face increasing tax penalties until they obtain coverage; and those already insured will see a modest drop in their premiums."
What kind of tax penalties are these, and who decides what's affordable? I know living by myself on $10/hour I sure as hell wouldn't have been able to afford a monthly premium (or whatever tax penalties I might have incurred), and I wasn't spending that extra money on luxury items like cable television or new car payments, either. It's hard enough as it is to maintain the mandatory car insurance, and I've never once been in a situation where having car insurance has saved me from having to dish out a shitload of money. Sounds more like another crafty way to have the middle class subsidize the poor as they've always done. A better plan would be to begin structuring state-wide free healthcare for everyone. Massachusetts is in a great position to be a model for the rest of the country on several issues, but I'm afraid I don't totally agree with this one.
Re: Overpopulation debate
I read this article yesterday about the UT professor. God forbid anyone suggest we're no greater organisms than those we routinely exterminate for our own benefit. I agree that many are mistaking his vehement belief in the need for change with advocacy of the methods he describes, but once in a while you need to really shock the public to get them to start thinking about an issue.
Re: More tax cuts for the rich
As someone who aspires to be rich and is currently taking action to achieve that goal, I support this measure. I will keep more of my money, and the more money I keep, the more I will be able to actually help people rather than aid the government in perpetuating stupid things like wars on terrorism and drugs. I heard once that if one has the wherewithall to become extremely wealthy, one has the obligation to do so in order to help others. I believe that wholeheartedly, so the less tax on my investments, the better.
Re: Mass health care
I agree it's tough to make ends meet, we have two incomes at my house and we're still not living high on the hog, by ANY means.
However, I do think that this is a good measure. I think it just needs to be combined with a demand for a living wage. There's no reason anyone should be working for less than $10 an hour in this day and age.
Also keep in mind they did say that this would bring premiums down, I'm betting over time significantly.
Re: Overpopulation debate
Bird flu and whatever follows it will make every organism equal before nature. Let them eat stupidity.
Re: More tax cuts for the rich
Gotta totally disagee with you here. Trickle down economics didn't work for FDR or Reagan and they won't work now. You said it youself, you want to hold on to more of your money. The top 1% who have 99% of the world's money don't invest it as much as they horde it.
Try and keep in mind you're arguing with a democratic socialist here. I think a fair portion of the money businesses make in this country belong to the people who own this country, us.
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