Monday, November 21, 2005

Proof Humans (Especially Texans Evidently) Should Not Be Trusted With Other People's Lives

I was pro-death penalty even for a time after I saw the light and switched over from the dark side (the right) fourteen years ago. The final straw was several years ago in a mass comm law class. The proff was explaining that just under normal margin of error circumstances, we've killed tens of innocent people. He went on to explain that given the evidence coming up from DNA exoneration and anti-death penalty advocate research, it's very likely a larger number than that, probably in the low hundreds.

The more I learn about it, the more it scares me.

Thanks to Huff Po for leading me to that one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally a report that credits the Chron! I wanted to strangle my TV with each newscast last Sunday/Monday that acted as if they had the "exclusive" on the story. Assholes.

November 25, 2005 4:02 PM  

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