Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The war between the christian right and the secular majority is coming...

...and it's being disguised as this ridiculous "War on Christmas."

Thank you, Sam Seder and Crooks and Liars. This douche nozzle Robert Knight from Concerned Women for America actually invoked the Nazis while discussing this issue with Sam Seder from Air America's Majority Report...he's Jewish folx. Absolutely disgusting what these fundies will do to try and get their way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the concerned women for America.

I'm glad these women are concerned Matt. They are concerned about violence, corrupt U.S. foreign policy and getting adequate health care and education to those in need.

Wait, no they aren't. They are concerned with taking away reproductive rights away from people.

Here's my question: When did the Republican party stop pushing for status quo? With the push to overturn Roe V. Wade and change social security benefits . . . it's like you can't even recognize the party anymore.

The Republican party is like your rich, white older who went off to college, and after a year thinks he knows the answer to every social issue. He also says stupid, embarassing (and racist) things during Thanksgiving dinner, but we let him do that because "that's just how Charles is".

I digress.

Here's another question. Where the hell am I supposed to get discount household items. I can't shop at Walmart . . . and now I can't shop at Target!!


December 14, 2005 9:16 AM  
Blogger thesunwolf said...

Well, if you move to Ohio (or a couple of other northeastern-ish states), you can shop at Meijer (http://www.meijer.com/). Outside of that, it's tough.

Our household has chosen to stay with Target and make our feelings about their accommodating fundy pharmacists known in writing. We're falling short of a full-on boycott because Target has done a fair job on other social issues...and frankly, we LOVE to shop there.

I really think there are the makings of a “civil civil war” in our society today. By that I mean there is a war brewing, but it won't involve succession of the northern states and California. It will be subtler than that. But, if the fundies don't quit pushing, which I doubt they will, there is going to be a wicked backlash. Check out what's brewing verses Ford at Americablog (www.americablog.com).

I think some form of unrest is on the wind...just not sure what it's going to look like. People like us are angry and getting fed up.

I mean, I get pretty heated now just because I can't buy beer on Sunday. You know I'm not much of a drinker. But, the fact that I can't run over to the liquor store on Sunday when I do ALL my other shopping and pick up a four-pack of Strongbow because some righty-christian folk decided people should go to church and not drink on Sundays...well...it hacks me off!

P.S. check out http://www.responsibleshopper.org/ if you haven't already.

December 14, 2005 10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay so I can have a tangent on this one too. The Religious Right is forgetting about their own "War on Reality." I mean give me a God Damn break. If you don't like it that a place says happy holidays instead of "Merry Christmas," just don't shop there. I personally think (You'll laugh at this) places that are making huge profits off of people "Christmas" shopping should hang on to the traditional "Merry Christmas". But really, who gives a crap? The first Jew I meet that is offended by the term "Merry Christmas" deserves to be slapped just as hard as the asshole Christian who says he/she is offended because someone told them to have a "Happy Hanukah."
Why can't people lighten up a bit?The "War on Christmas" I mean, where do these dunder-heads find the time to come up with this stuff?
And what is the deal with not being able to buy alcohol on Sunday? What the hell does that accomplish? I mean to people really get to the liquor store and go “well shit its closed… guess I’ll go to church since I can’t get drunk today.” It would piss me off too.
Oh, and I’m not going to stop shopping at Target either, but I will stop being nice to their greeters.
PS -- Sorry for the rant :o)

December 15, 2005 11:38 AM  

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