Monday, November 21, 2005

I Am A Jerkface

Something happened this weekend that has resulted in some soul searching over the last couple of days and is now prompting this entry.

My lady and I were invited to a couple's house this Saturday evening. She works with the woman and they both work at the university, as do we. Per usual, the conversation eventually turned to politics. I ended up quite possibly offending this very nice christian couple with my rants against the radical right, christian conservative power grab that I see going on in this country right now. This is after, mind you, the woman made clear that they are actually tired of being blamed for what's going on in the country and being lumped in with the extremists of the christian faith. They are super-cool hippie type folks with views not far at all from my lady's and mine. They just happen to be christian.

So, after my girlfriend balled me out a little on the ride home I realized I was a out of line and insensitive. I didn't make clear that I was separating them from the targets of my wrath.

Now, I'm not the most sensitive guy on the planet, but I'm not a totally self-centered jerk, either. So, after thinking about it I realized they got the brunt of some things that have nothing to do with them. One is probably my frustration at the political and social isolation I feel here, which makes what I did extra stupid. Alienating some of the coolest people we've met is not my swiftest recent move. The other thing that I see going on in myself is some serious anger toward the moves this country is making toward theocracy.

I am angry that the radical christian right is using churches and activist groups to set the policy of this country. I do not think that it's cool that anyone who isn't an evangelical christian has to endure policies decided based on that faith. I honestly don't think people even realize how often it happens.

Tried to buy beer on Sunday? What about hard liquor? Try to get a bottle of Jack Daniels on Sunday here in Ohio. It can't be done. Why? Because long ago a large group of christians decided their flock should spend Sunday in church or at home and not drinking. Think that common sense and business benefit will eventually win out? You might want to think again. Why is it that you can't just keep your religion's rules within your own religion and out of everyone else's life?

Try to tell me that the current war on homosexual marriage--you know what, let's call it what it is, a war on homosexuality--isn't about people's beliefs being threatened. It's the only possible explanation for why it is that some man marrying another man or a woman marrying another woman is of any interest to someone else.

So, I am presented with a dilemma. I am outraged at the arrogance of the religious right to assume they have a "monopoly on God." I do not see it as fair or even smart for everyone to live under the religious rules of one group. I am also incensed at the hypocrisy of our country imposing our will on Muslim nations, telling them they can't run their governments as theocracies when the reality is we are living in one. I am very angry and I want to take action. But, I don't want to offend those of faith who would side with me.

Any suggestions?

Oh yeah, by the way...Happy Holidays!

(Thanks to Huff Po for leading me to some of the reports used to help me research this)


Blogger Miss Edukat said...

Hmmm, the title says it all. I don't have a problem with god, it his fan club.

November 21, 2005 7:58 PM  
Blogger thesunwolf said...

I guess it's kind of like that whole "Dear God, please save me from your followers" thing. I'm still curious if people think we should cut christians slack, go on the offensive against all of them or just target the Jerry Fallwells and Pat Robertsons of the world (Viva Chavez!).

November 22, 2005 7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I've always thought you were a bit of a jerkface... but who isn't. I think I've done exactly what you did to your new friends to my own family. Its funny how sometimes people you respect can be sooo narrow minded. I guess you just have to remember that to them, you're the narrow minded one.
Your new friends will get over your rants as you should theirs (if they ever have any). You know, despite any problems with God and/or his followers, you should cut all people a bit more slack than they cut you, even the Jerry Fallwells. Of course, the best reasons for following that course are surely less that pure. What better way to argue with a Christian than to take the high road. And that, my friend, is why we are all susceptible to the Jerkface epidemic.

November 22, 2005 8:06 AM  

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