Tuesday, April 11, 2006

More protection for the oppressed chirstian majority, less for gays

Okay, folks, simple lesson here. It is impossible to oppress the majority in power. It can't be done. I am sick to death of the religious right, their politicians and their lawyers. If Hitler had the lawyers the fundamentalists have, we'd all be living under swastikas.

Minorities and gays have protections because they need them. Screw you if it bothers you christian fundie babies. You don't need protection.

The fact that these jackasses are arguing that cultural sensitivity training and anti-defamation rules oppress them makes me SICK.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The open question is what constitutes harassment, what's a sincere expression of faith — and what to do when they overlap."

Wow, what a great article. I know it seems frusterating, but think about it . . . if intolerant people are fighting in court to be intolerant, than civil rights have come a long way.

It means two important things:

1. There are actually things out there to be intollerant about. That means people have actually gained rights that piss others off.

2. These people are fighting this in court, as opposed to committing hate crimes or using intimidation tactics.

This is a pretty big step for Democracy.

As for the meat of the article, I would surprisingly lead towards the intolerant people. It's your right to be an asshole, and I never want to force the KKK to allow blacks and minorities in their group.

As "liberals" and progressive minded people, we have to take a certain amount of the blame for these extreme reactions because of our constant "political correctness".

A day when a homophobic person has to fight for the right to be homophobic publicly is better than almost any day 50 years ago.

April 11, 2006 5:16 PM  

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