Tuesday, June 06, 2006
About Me
- Name: thesunwolf
- Location: Oxford, Ohio, United States
A liberal who calls Austin, Texas and Europe his homes (a little cheesy, but give me a break, I've moved over ten times in my life). I'm currently exiled in what seems to be the only college town in America to be as conservative as the country in general if not more so. I'm telling you, if this place were any more white and homogenous...it would actually BE milk.
Previous Posts
- Unwed Couples Discriminated Against Openly.
- Pesticides Shrink Penises
- Good thing we invaded Iraq to get cheap oil
- Another story that kind of speaks for itself..
- Calvin, Calvin, Calvin...
- What?
- Why the f@%k are we provoking these people?
- I love it when studies state the obvious
- Finally, some science I can really get behind
- Another place I won't be vacationing
It took 20 minutes of discussion with the boy before it finally occurred to me that I needed to ask if he'd ever heard "Daniel in the Lion's Den." I read about a dozen different stories on this event, some of them claiming he waved his arms around threateningly, others saying he dropped to his knees and preached to them. Not sure what the real deal was, but I'd say he's a ripe candidate for a Darwin award. Go Darwin!
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