Thursday, April 27, 2006

Good thing we invaded Iraq to get cheap oil

So, Exxon Mobil just announced an $8.7 Billion first quarter profit. That's for ONE QUARTER of a year, people! Meanwhile, back at the white house, our president just signed a bill to give BILLIONS of dollars in tax breaks to oil companies and just relaxed pollution standards for oil companies. All this with a 32% approval rating, one of the very lowest in history.

So, my question to that 32%, a paraphrase Bill Hicks, is this: How far up your hoo-ha does the man's thingee have to go before you realized you're getting screwed?

Thanks to HuffPo, Americablog and Bill Hicks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exxon is a Smack Dealer, and unfortunately, we are all addicted. We've tried not buying gas on a certian day. We've tried to all use other gas stations to force a price war. What the hell are we supposed to do. Next we'll all buy bicycles and stop using our cars. That'll show em... Wait I need may fix. $3.00 a gallon! I guess I can afford it, I'll just skip my car payment this month...

April 28, 2006 11:34 AM  

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