Tuesday, August 15, 2006

And the war goes on...

Taking a break from the global war on terrorism and the war in Iraq, two TOTALLY different things, kids, just so you know. I know Mommy and Daddy won't tell you that, but that's because they're ignorant...But, I digress...Sort of...Back to another war.

I'm sure we're all familiar by now with my war on this country's obesity-rights movement. If not, here's a refresher (bottom of page). Here's the current news: Turns out that fat people now outnumber the hungry. Wow.

I mean, my solution is that we simply feed anyone with a certain BMI or higher
(let's say 38+) to the starving folks. If they care that little about other people that they can increase their weight to astronomically unhealthy levels while others starve, don't they kind of fail a basic test of humanity?


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