Saturday, February 10, 2007

In with the old, out with the new

Well, here I am in my new apartment. It's getting less gloomy by the moment. I've got the kitchen most of the way set up. DAMN, it's small. That's going to require some work. I bit the bullet and ordered a table and chairs (DOKSTA and JULES visitor chairs in white) from IKEA. It ate half my meager savings, but it was necessary. There's not enough counter space in the new kitchen for even my microwave, toaster and blender, let alone actual cooking.

The living room is still pretty much all rubber bins full of s#!t I don't have a place for. Hopefully I'll get some additional cubby shelving for my birthday and get some of that remedied. I'm also going to have to build an elevated bed frame, with the help of ACE Hardware in Oxford, to store stuff under.

I can get an idea of how it's going to work out at this point. It's just a matter of when and exactly how.

I've been a little less depressed and a little happier every day I've been here. It confirms that I did the right thing, but it's still weird. Very weird.

It's a little lonely, too. Not having another person in the house and pets everywhere all so suddenly is just really bizarre. The sudden absence of companionship has been the single biggest weight dragging on me. All my friends are on line and on the phone checking in and supporting me. But, it'd be nice just to have ONE good friend to sit in my place while I unpack stuff.

It's times like this that you REALLY appreciate the social nature of human beings. We're so much more social than our USA, rugged individual culture acknowledges.

Anyway, enough of trying to rejoin the collective via blogging, I've got The Who Ultimate Collection cranked and it's time to unpack a few more bins.

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Blogger hotpinksox said...

Do you want a copy of the CD? Sounds like things are falling into place. Give it time and everything will feel better soon. Wish I could sit, drinking a beer, watching you unpack, just to keep you company.

hang in there.

February 12, 2007 7:53 AM  

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