Friday, March 02, 2007
About Me
- Name: thesunwolf
- Location: Oxford, Ohio, United States
A liberal who calls Austin, Texas and Europe his homes (a little cheesy, but give me a break, I've moved over ten times in my life). I'm currently exiled in what seems to be the only college town in America to be as conservative as the country in general if not more so. I'm telling you, if this place were any more white and would actually BE milk.
Previous Posts
- RIAA Asks College Students to Stop Illegal Downloa...
- Consider Yourself Warned
- Okay, now it's over the line to ridiculous
- The Weather Gods Take Their Revenge
- Reconnecting With the Spirtual Realm
- More on crime and punishment, NBA style
- The RIGHT punishment for crooked businessmen
- My VD morning in 500 words or less
- The Evolution of the Kansan
- Happy Effing Monday
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