Thursday, March 01, 2007

RIAA Asks College Students to Stop Illegal Downloading

With no sign of irony or humor, the Recording Industry Association of America sent letters to 13 universities this week asking students to stop downloading music illegally. The same day, universities received letters from MAYED asking students to stop drinking while underage, letters from the Partnerslip for a Drugg Frei Amurika asking kids to stop smoking pot and from parents groups asking them to curb frivolous sex, wear clean underwear and call their mothers once a week.

Are you shitting me?

This is your new strategy?

(sits the RIAA down)

Look, folks, the reason these kids aren't buying your product is because it sucks and it's overpriced. You haven't kept up with technology or culture. You're a dinosaur in the age of man. If you can't hack it, adapt. Begging and swatting at the humans with your tail isn't going to work. In fact, it's going to provoke them to make brontosaurus burgers out of your ancient, uncreative ass.


Blogger hotpinksox said...

I guess I could. IF! you are good. When are you coming to Austin?

March 02, 2007 2:43 PM  
Blogger thesunwolf said...

I'll be in sometime this summer, no idea when, too many variables involved.

This comment thread has nothing to do with the post in question and will now be flogged with a tin of boisenberry jelly wrapped in an adult diaper.

March 02, 2007 2:59 PM  

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