The Weather Gods Take Their Revenge
(I had already posted this on, so it's got smileys in it for you. nice)
So, the weather gods took their revenge this morning for all the b!#ching I've been doing about the weather and people who don't clear their sidewalks along my walk to work (everyone!). It's run in the 40's the last two days and it rained for several hours yesterday afternoon, so there's still snow, but a lot of it is melting.
However, it was 24 degrees when I left the house, so EVERYTHING was ice, most of it smooth as if it had just been zamboni'd.
So, my normally 10 minute walk to work took 25 minutes and even so I had one very scary moment.
As I got to the corner where campus starts, the pedestrian ramp was one sheet of ice leading to a 2' berm of snow before the road. Before I could start planning a trip through the grass, I was sliding down the ramp like an Olympic ski jumper with a car heading right where I'd be landing as I tripped over the berm.
Adrenaline flowed and I started backpedaling like a scared Hanna-Barbara cartoon character. Realizing this wasn't doing anything but making me look like a total dipstick, my football instincts kicked in and I spread my feet and dropped my butt precipitously toward earth (Thank you, Coach Schwartz!). This finally stopped my forward motion against the berm as the car went by.
I won't be needing caffeine for at LEAST another hour.
So, the weather gods took their revenge this morning for all the b!#ching I've been doing about the weather and people who don't clear their sidewalks along my walk to work (everyone!). It's run in the 40's the last two days and it rained for several hours yesterday afternoon, so there's still snow, but a lot of it is melting.
However, it was 24 degrees when I left the house, so EVERYTHING was ice, most of it smooth as if it had just been zamboni'd.
So, my normally 10 minute walk to work took 25 minutes and even so I had one very scary moment.
As I got to the corner where campus starts, the pedestrian ramp was one sheet of ice leading to a 2' berm of snow before the road. Before I could start planning a trip through the grass, I was sliding down the ramp like an Olympic ski jumper with a car heading right where I'd be landing as I tripped over the berm.

Adrenaline flowed and I started backpedaling like a scared Hanna-Barbara cartoon character. Realizing this wasn't doing anything but making me look like a total dipstick, my football instincts kicked in and I spread my feet and dropped my butt precipitously toward earth (Thank you, Coach Schwartz!). This finally stopped my forward motion against the berm as the car went by.

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