Thursday, November 16, 2006

Why is this $#!t okay?

From a local news report on future gas prices:

"A report out today by the Consumer Federation of America says that nine of the 13 major automakers had lower fleet mileage averages in 2005 than they did in 1996."

I'm sorry, but the American people ought to be suing the automakers and the oil companies class action style for the over-inflated prices we're paying and the crappy MPG our cars get. It's not like they're hurting for money. Exxon Mobil just posted the largest quarterly profit for any company of any kind history. There is NO other possible explanation than simple, disgusting greed.

Global warming is real, kids. Either deal with it, or have generations of your ancestors urinating on your grave.


Blogger senti said...

I'm sure you'll disagree, but my personal philosophy is that the faster we use the shit up, the faster society will move on to giving some REAL attention to alternative fuels. Whether we're able to nearly miss making the planet unsuitable for human life by that time, I don't know.

November 16, 2006 8:06 AM  
Blogger thesunwolf said...

My issue with that is that there are more and more scientists coming forward to say that when it comes to global warming and the environment we may be either at the point of no return or, frighteningly, maybe even already beyond it.

November 16, 2006 8:24 AM  

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