Thursday, May 24, 2007

Choosey Choosers Choose Better Than Me

My cuz and I were talking about relationships last night via chat. We, like so many of my friends, have pretty much decided we totally and possibly fatally SUCK at choosing mates. My bud Raf and I have both pretty much decided we can't trust ourselves at all.

So, here's my idea:

I want to set up a committee to approve my mates before I commit long-term.

I figure if someone likes me enough, they'll be willing to sit down in a room with or chat on line with or talk on the phone with five or six people close to me for a total of a few hours over a couple of weeks in order to get with me on a permanent basis.

Then, the committee can meet in private via teleconference and discuss their findings and come to a decision.

Here's my committee:

Lucious ElJay

Tie breaker and special consultant: Darelectra aka the artist formerly known as KT, my first love. We only talk once a year, but she's been right about every relationship and woman I've dated since HS.

If you're not on the list, don't be offended. I picked, in part, based on rounding out the collective knowledge. If you are on the list, be honored. I trust your judgement implicitly.

Now, think any intelligent, well-grounded fems will actually submit to this inquisition? Hell, I figure it's gotta be better than what I'm doing so far.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm honored. xoxo

May 24, 2007 6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the show of faith, but I'm not sure all the ladies are going to love this one.... "Sorry, but the my committee has voted you off of my 'Okay to date list.' Thanks for playing."

May 24, 2007 7:40 AM  
Blogger thesunwolf said...

Awww, come on D. People line up around the block to get on "Survivor" or "Beauty and the Geek."

Why not "Are you worthy to date Matt?"


May 24, 2007 7:44 AM  
Blogger M said...

After my third time being cheated on, I realized that I, too, have no business in choosing my mate. My friends all had to talk some sense in to me (hell, so did Cathy). I think you've made a wise move. I say we go back to arranged marriages, just our friends do the arranging. ;)

May 24, 2007 10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting thought. I like the idea of arranged marriages but I'm not sure about this whole committee thing. Guys tend to run away as soon as they learn I can read above an 8th grade level, don't know if they would stick around for an inquisition. On the right track though...we have definitly proven we shouldn't be making relationship decisions on our own.

May 25, 2007 8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Matt, I am honored to be on the list as well. I think it's a grand idea - maybe with fewer rules and formalities. But if the shit were to hit the proverbial fan, I don't think we should share any of the responsibility for it or be required to do your breaking up. Just wanted to get that out there! :)

May 29, 2007 8:11 AM  
Blogger thesunwolf said...

Nah, you'd all be absolved of responsibility for break-ups/problems. I'm good at that stuff and don't need any help.

May 29, 2007 8:17 AM  
Blogger hotpinksox said...

I just did something like this. I asked my sister, mom, uncle and a few trusted friends who they saw me with. The results weren't what I had hoped for. Most said "someone who makes you happy", well no shit!

June 01, 2007 8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So do I have to go through all that just to get you to have dinner with me? Is there a form to fill out or maybe an online application?

June 06, 2007 10:50 AM  

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