Well, if today and this weekend prove to be anything like this morning...it's going to be quite a ride.
My excitement about Ohio's first Regional Burn has been building to a fever pitch. But, after getting to work on time for the first time in
some time...I read the news back in Austin via the Statesman and the Chronicle while eating my pop tarts...and my excitement turned to melancholy.
I've missed Austin for some time. I hated it by the time I left. Mainly out of frustration with the job market. I made some mistakes in that area and it cost me a LOT. More than it probably would have somewhere less
competitive. Mainly mad at myself...but you know how that goes.
But, after coming back to the mid west, something I SWORE I wouldn't do and didn't want to, I really, really missed the trappings of urban life and I really missed the hippie-
dippie-slacker vibe of Austin.
But, today, for the first time, I am truly, truly homesick.
Ironically, I think it's going to the burn that's the cause.
I mean, in Austin there were
opportunities and spots to hang out with all kinds of people all the time.
Flipside, Texas's regional burn attracts a couple thousand people...Ohio's first is slated to maybe crack 200.
I mean, it's really simple to say I don't fit in here. Any jackass can see that. "Get out there and find something." Yeah, you come try. I've been trying for two years. I've been called "Fag!" for wearing cowboy boots, jeans and a nice button up (not kidding), had girls say "Why are you buying a motorcycle? No one rides a motorcycle here," and "Aren't you kind of old to be working at
beedubs?" These are merly the first three that popped into my head and don't mention the countless racist and ignorant things I've heard people say.
I mean, none of that stuff would raise an eyebrow in Austin and even if you found the one douche that it would bother, you'd have any number of nice, comfy holes to climb into with a group of like minded folk to tell you what a douche they were.
I've made it two years with almost no
respit and certainly no shelter from the pervasive
homogeneous, lame, narrow-minded, white, rich culture here. The
maintenance of that
homogeny is so brutal that I've actually given in and let go of some of the more flamboyant,
expressive clothes I own and toned down my outward appearance. Getting gawked at gets old. Fast.
I read about
Emo's fifteenth anniversary and
Lovejoys and Casino El
Camino and
Manu Chao playing at
Stubb's (that one hurt...BAD). If there were shows like that, bars like that, even a fraction as many, I could make it. But the hour trip to
Cinci or Dayton is just brutal on my schedule and means. It was so easy in Austin. Having fun or blowing off steam was SO EASY. It is HARD here.
It's an ironic time for this little melancholic bit of brooding and self-reflection, too. I've been feeling more "me" lately than I have in some time. Getting out and traveling, having new experiences, etc has really brought my
mojo back. But, that may be part of what's stirred the pot and helped once again show quite a contrast between ME and HERE.
I guess I head into the weekend not as
hopeful as before. I had hoped to have a ton of
neo-hippie friends by the end of the weekend to salve my soul as all of my varied friends and acquaintances did back home. But, now, I just want to go and have fun and see what's up. I'm more curious than
This might be a defense mechanism kicking in, my way of avoiding potentially brutal
disappointment. But, we shall see.
For what it's worth, to all my friends and family (not much of a difference there to me) back home. I miss you dearly and appreciate you more than ever. I know I strain you sometimes with my phone calls and e-mails bitching about this place. I know you probably groaned out loud when I got accepted to grad school and signed on for three more years.
I just want you all to know that I love you, I'm going to visit as much as I can and I'll be home as soon as I can be. I just have to make something of this exile in hell before I come home. It's a moral
imperative. I hope you understand.